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The radino32 nRF8001 UART LED example is a demo for the radino32 nRF8001 and the radino nRF8001 UART LED example is a demo for the radino nRF8001. Both examples are based on the Nordic Semiconductor example ble_uart_project_template. With the radino32/radino nRF8001 UART LED example you can switch the LED on pin 13 with an UART command, send from a Bluetooth Low Energy master device via Nordic Semiconductor's App nRF Toolbox.


Only a few options can be set by user.

Select the used Serial port. Use "Serial" for software serial and "Serial1" for hardware serial.

#define outSerial Serial1

Select the pin, witch is used for the LED

#define LEDPIN 13

Select the device name your nRF8001 will be advertise. This name can be use up to 8 characters. If you use more than 8 characters, the device name will be set to "radino32" for radino32 and to "radino" for radino.

  • for radino32:
char device_name[8] = {'r','3','2','_','n','R','F'}
  • for radino:
char device_name[8] = {'r','_','n','R','F'}

How to use

This example is tested on iOS with nRF Toolbox App v4.4.1 and on Android with nRF Toolbox App 2.4.0. Older versions may not be working.

How to connect with iOS

  1. Start your radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 on radino Spider RP-SMA, radino Spider 2.4G, radino Leonardo or radino USB Stick (for other you need an external LED)
  2. Activate Bluetooth on your device
  3. Start the nRF Toolbox App
  4. Select Nordic UART
  5. Press connect an search for the radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 device
  6. Now the radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 is connected with your Bluetooth Low Energy master device

How to connect with Android

  1. Start your radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 on radino Spider RP-SMA, radino Spider 2.4G, radino Leonardo or radino USB Stick (for other you need an external LED)
  2. Activate Bluetooth on your device
  3. Search for the radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 device an pair (the PW should be 0000)
  4. Start the nRF Toolbox App
  5. Select Nordic UART
  6. Press connect an search for the radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 device
  7. Now the radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 is connected with your Bluetooth Low Energy master device

How to work with nRF Toolbox

At the nRF Toolbox App you have 9 free configurable buttons. We will use them to build one button for activating and one button for deactivating the LED pin 13.

  1. Press Edit an select on button
  2. Write the command "S131" and select an icon for activating
  3. Press "OK" for saving this button
  4. Select a second button for deactivating
  5. Write the command "S130" and select an icon
  6. Press "OK" for saving this button
  7. Press "Done" for exit editing

Now you can press the two buttons to activate and deactivate the LED on pin 13.

If you don't want to use the buttons, when you can write the command directly to the radino32 nRF8001 or radino nRF8001 via UART.


The radino32/radino nRF8001 UART LED example can be found at our radino library from version 25.

The nRF Toolbox App on Appstore and Google Play

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