Generated Images
When finishing its work, buildroot usually has created a couple of images and put them into the corresponding binaries directory.
the Linux Kernel
As U-Boot usually is the bootloader loading the kernel, buildroot generates a file called uImage and copies it into the binaries. This file per default will also be put into the resulting filesystem as /boot/uImage, so that it can be loaded more easily.
the bootloader
All ICnova boards are equipped with the bootloader U-Boot. The generated image is called u-boot.bin. This image also can be found under a second name containing buildroot's project-name and the date of compilation in it's name.
Some Modules, especially those equipped by an AT91SAM9G45, need an additional 1st stage bootloader, called at91bootstrap. This is needed to set up the clocking and SD-Ram and executing U-Boot afterwards. the corresponding Image is usually called norflash_icnova_arm9.bin.
images of the root filesystem
Depending on the configuration of the buildroot project, one or more filesystem-images are created. These always are prefixed rootfs. and the corresponding architecture. The suffix is always equal to the type of the generated image. rootfs.arm.ext2 is a EXT2 image of the filesystem for an ARM-processor, eg the AT91SAM9G45.