radino WiFi software

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Revision as of 18:32, 4 March 2015 by TBlocher (Talk | contribs)

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The In-Circuit radino WiFi combines an Arduino Micro with WiFi connectivity, integrating the entire TCP/IP stack in a small form-factor EMC-compliant enclosure.

WiFi connectivity is provided by the Espressif ESP8266EX chip. User sketches run on the ATmega microcontroller. Both chips are connected via a SPI-UART bridge. A SC16IS750 chip provides this bridge.

HTTP Server

A small HTTP server is running inside the ESP8266EX chip. The website is stored as a single HTML page inside the flash of the ESP8266EX chip. The HTML page is displayed in your browser when you connect to the radino WiFi. Details on how to update the HTML page can be found in the documentation about the IC_ESP library.

Requests to the HTTP server (for details see ESP8266EX HTTPD) can result in events to be handled by the ATmega microcontroller. The IC_ESP library provides a simple interface to handle these requests.


IC_ESP: user interface to use the radino Wi-Fi

IC ESP8266EX interface: low level interface to communicate with the ESP chip