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Bitte beachten: Beim Entpacken der ISO-Images mit dem Programm "file roller" können Fehler auftreten! Alternativ zum Entpacken können die Images auf CD gebrannt werden oder mit dem Befehl "mount -o loop icnova.iso /mnt" in das Dateisystem eingehangen werden. In diesem Fall werden sowohl die Dateinamen korrekt decodiert als auch die Softlinks korrekt erstellt.

Please note: Unzipping the ISO-Images by the program "file roller", some errors can occur! Alternatively to unzip the Image, you can burn it to a CD or mount it with the command "mount -o loop icnova.iso /mnt" in your filesystem. In that case the filenames will be decoded correctly and the softlinks also will be created correctly.


radino Modules

For release notes or older versions consult the radino Library documentation.

ICnova CPU modules



ICnova i.MX536 SODIMM


  • 20140210_buildroot.tar.bz2 The Support-package containing all sources, incl. Linux 3.1.10, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem.
  • icnova_20110104.iso The Support-CD containing all sources, incl. Linux 2.6.32, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem
  • Pinning_Sodimm.xls pin-numbering table with all avaiable function on each pin


  • icnova_20130927.tar.bz2 The Support-package containing all sources, incl. Linux 3.1.10, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem.
  • icnova_20110104.iso The Support-CD containing all sources, incl. Linux 2.6.32, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem
  • Pinning_Sodimm.xls pin-numbering table with all avaiable function on each pin

ICnova i.MX353 OEM

ICnova SAM9G45 OEM

ICnova SAM9M10 OEM

  • icnova_20130927.tar.bz2 The Support-package containing all sources, incl. Linux 3.1.10, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem.
  • icnova_20110104.iso The Support-CD containing all sources, incl. Linux 2.6.32, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem
  • Eagle library ICnova OEM Eagle-library with symbol and footprint

ICnova SAM9G45+XC3S700AN OEM

  • icnova_20130927.tar.bz2 The Support-package containing all sources, incl. Linux 3.1.10, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem.
  • icnova_20110104.iso The Support-CD containing all sources, incl. Linux 2.6.32, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem

ICnova AP7000 OEM / ICnova AP7000 OEMplus

  • icnova_20110104.iso The Support-CD containing all sources, incl. Linux 2.6.28, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem

ICnova AP7000 Base

  • icnova_20110104.iso The Support-CD containing all sources, incl. Linux 2.6.28, needed to build a toolchain and working filesystem

ICradio ZWIR Modules

ICradio AVR Modules

Personal tools