Getting Buildroot

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Downloading the toolchain

The entire toolchain to build new applications and a filesystem can be found on the support CD. The GCC cross-compiler is also located on the CD. The most recent CD can either be ordered in our online-shop or being downloaded under Downloads. It is recommended to use the most recent Image, wherever possible. Copy the entire ICnova directory from the CD to your PC using the command

 cp -a /media/cdrom/ICnova .

Don't use drag and drop for copying the files or place them on a windows-machine in between, as this will destroy the toolchain. If you did so, maybe Error on building the Toolchain might help you.

New products will be shipped without a CD. Please visit Downloads for the CD image.

Prerequisites on the Host PC

Adapting software for ICnova, requires an applicable toolchain for your PC. It's strongly recommended to use a Linux OS, since it fully supports the provided software. We recommend to use a recent version of the Debian Distribution, version 5.0 at the time of this writing. The required software packages are already included in most of the Linux distributions. Please check with your package manager (aptitude, synaptic, yum, yast) if the following packages are installed. The exact names may vary from one distribution to another. The required packages are:

  • gcc,
  • make,
  • automake,
  • autoconf,
  • libtool,
  • flex,
  • bison,
  • texinfo
  • header files for zlib, (usually zlib-dev or zlib1g-dev)
  • header files for lzo2 (usually liblzo2-dev)
  • header files for ncurses (usually ncurses-dev)

Detailed information can also be accessed at the buildroot documentation under [System Requirements]

Configuration and building

To configure the toolchain, Configuring Buildroot might help. Afterwards the toolchain can be compiled along with some software for the target and generated images by typing make

The toolchain can be built as ordinary user. No superuser-privileges are needed to compile the crosscompiler, applications or generating the image. Only for transferring the generated image or part of it afterwards, superuser privileges might be necessary.

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